
Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang Radio

Unknown | 07.30 |
Many people depend on Radio for news of what is happening around the world. Radio gives people enjoyment. Sometimes they want background music. At ather times they listen carefully to their favorite singer.

Radio was used first for communicate with ship at sea. This is still an important use. Because of radio, ship can communicate with other ships, and when necessary, call for help. Airplane uses radio to communicate with the ground.

Two-way radios are used by most police headquarters to communicate with patrol cars. Many taxi companies use two-way radios to tell their drivers where passengers are waiting. Short distance massages can be sent on walkie-talkie – a two-way radio set that is sometimes used by campers and hunters to keep track of one another.

Radio is also used for radio telephone without wires. These are used on boats, trains, and airplanes. Villagers far away from power lines are sometimes supplied with radio telephones.

A Radiobroadcasting station is an exiting place. Programs must be broadcast precisely on schedule.

Answer the question based on the text!
  1. What does radio give people?
  2. What was radio used first?
  3. Are campers and hunters use two-way radio set?
  4. What is an exiting place?
  5. “These” are use on boats, . . . What does the word “these” refer to?

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