
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga

Unknown | 19.00 |
Di bawah ini adalah sebuah percakapan singkat dalam Bahasa Inggris antara Budiman dan Wawan tentang keluarga mereka. Praktekkan percakapan ini dan uji kemampuanmu dengan memberi huruf [T] bila peryataan benar dan huruf [F] bila pernyataan salah.

Budiman : This is my family album.
Wawan : Oh, may I see that?
Budiman : Sure.
Wawan : Who is this?
Budiman : This is my aunt.
Wawan : Do you have brothers?
Budiman : Yes, I do.
Wawan : How many brothers do you have?
Budiman : I have two brothers.
Wawan : How many sisters do you have?
Budiman : I have one sister, How many brothers do you have?
Wawan : I have one brother.
Budiman : How many siters do you have?
Wawan : I have one sister.

  1. [ ] Budiman has two brothers.
  2. [ ] Budiman has two sisters.
  3. [ ] Wawan has one brother.
  4. [ ] Budiman has one brother.
  5. [ ] Budiman has one sister.
  6. [ ] Wawan has two sisters.
  7. [ ] Wawan has two brothers.
  8. [ ] Wawan has one sister.

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